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23rd, October 2015

Students Attend Prize Giving at Trinity House

Earlier this month, two students involved with High Tide, made their way to Trinity House in London to attend a special prize giving for their involvement in our prestigious voyage onboard a Tall Ships vessel back in May.

Events, Programmes, Student Stories

As part of our enriching experiences for young aspirational individuals in the area, a group of nine special needs youths from KTS Academy and Freebrough Academy in Brotton embarked on a six day trip across the ocean during their half-term school holiday earlier this year. This experience was, of course, made possible by overwhelmingly generous donations from The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights and the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, together with the Teesside Society of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. The trip itself was a roaring success!

Students Stuart Tipp and Jay Wames from KTS Academy in Brotton

Last week, two especially exceptional students, Stuart Tipp and Jay Wames, were chosen to visit Trinity House in London to be presented with a certificate of achievement from their time on the Tall Ships voyage. Kevin Shakesheff, High Tide Foundation trustee said of the evening: “Stuart and Jay were simply the best ambassadors that we could have ever asked for. They were a credit to KTS Academy and High Tide.”

In front of a room of 200 delegates who travelled from across the globe, the two KTS Academy students stood to receive their certificates, which were presented by Worldwide Vice President of the ICS, Bruce Ogilvy. They also had the opportunity of being introduced to the worldwide executive committee who applauded them, as well as former President and Chairman of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, who had great words to say about the Foundation. 

Students Stuart Tip and Jay Wames from KTS Academy in Brotton

“Stuart and Jay must have loved the attention, they were so confident and were in no way daunted. In fact, the other prize winners, of which there were thirty, were the Elite, having received the highest mark in their ICS examinations. So, our boys were in with a commanding group and they were in no way out of place”, Kevin added.

The voyage itself is a real learning experience for students who take part. Partaking in various activities from launching the sails, to navigating the vessel, the youngsters came away with valuable skills and memories that can potentially change their lives for the better. Due to the overwhelming support that has been given to make dreams like these happen, the Tall Ships voyage is scheduled in once again for 2016.

To find out more about the programmes and schemes that High Tide provide to young people on Teesside, browse our website. You can also contact us on 

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