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17th, October 2016

Port to Port Trip 2016

Students from across Teesside will tomorrow set sail on this year’s High Tide Port to Port trip to Rotterdam.


The year 10 students will gain an invaluable insight into industry career opportunities, while also helping to build personal skills and confidence. To start the trip, students will hear from Teesport businesses, Casper Shipping and Huntsman, before travelling to Hull to board the overnight ferry.

Students will mix with other students from across the region and learn to work as a team, whilst helping to build skills within a working environment.

Students will then begin Wednesday with a trip to Huntsman’s Rotterdam site, where the connections between Teesside and Rotterdam from Huntsman’s perspective will be shown. One of the main highlights of the four days is the river trip, highlighting the industries, volume of traffic and logistics behind running a major port.

Other visits and excursions include a tour of the hot strip mill at Tata Steel’s Ijmuiden plant, and a trip to a local museum.

This is the third year the Port to Port programme has run, enabling young people from Teesside to take part in a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit one of Europe’s biggest and busiest ports.

Keep up to date with this year’s Port to Port Trip via Twitter and Facebook.

If you’d like to find out more about our Port to Port programme or other opportunities that are available through the High Tide Foundation, browse our website or contact us via our enquiry form below.

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