Connecting classrooms with careers across the Tees Valley.

In Partnership with

Our Impact

We give students who wouldn’t otherwise have access to industry-leading organisations access to eye-opening work experience placements and inspiring insight days.

For schools and colleges, we help teachers and careers leaders to manage their work experience more effectively and offer their students high impact placements with top employers.

Have a read about some of the experiences of students who’ve taken part in our High Tide career programmes.


The programme has inspired me because I thought Engineering was just for boys but now I know that girls are able to exact same jobs as men.

Year 8 student from Redcar

I thought you’d have to leave the area to get a job as a filmmaker but, because of High Tide, I’m now doing that in my home town. It's just the best.

Year 11 students from Stockton

Before I did the High Tide work experience programme I didn’t really know anything about job opportunities in Tees Valley. Now I know what I want to do and High Tide has helped me get there.

Year 11 student from Middlesbrough

Because of High Tide I now know that I want to get an apprenticeship with a local company and be an Engineer.

Year 9 student from Middlesbrough

I am grateful for my visit and experience; I now know my career aims and what I need to do to get there. Some of my best memories are because of High Tide and I would recommend it to all young people.

Year 9 student from Middlesbrough

My experience has provided me with amazing opportunities and allowed me to meet very influential people who have helped me to gain confidence and skills that I can take with me for the rest of my life.

Year 10 student from Stockton

The experience has increased my ambition and motivated me to pursue my career. Thanks to meeting a variety of people, I am now reassured that despite your background, as long as you’re hard working you can succeed in your career.

Year 10 student from Hartlepool

I always thought going straight to university after college was the best option, however after speaking to young people in the workplace, I’m now likely to consider an apprenticeship after college and gaining the experience.

Year 8 student from Redcar

I have seen the jobs that people do and the places where they work; I have seen how valuable the River Tees is to our area and how important the port is to the region and the country.

Year 9 student from Middlesbrough

My experience was life-changing, as I now know how many jobs are available right on my doorstep.

Year 11 student from Redcar

It has made me confident that engineering is the area of work I would like to follow. Personally, I don’t think I could have found this experience elsewhere.

Year 11 student from Stockton

“The programme has made me more aware of what businesses look for and the benefits of both educational and apprenticeship routes.”

Year 10 student from Middlesbrough


days spent connecting young people with businesses through immersive virtual placements and inspiring workplace experiences.


young people engaged with and supported to increase awareness, improve skills, build confidence and raise aspirations.


businesses of all sectors and sizes, helping to showcase opportunities and shape the workforce of tomorrow.

"The programme has inspired me because I thought Engineering was just for boys but now I know that girls are able to exact same jobs as men."

Year 8 student from Redcar

"I thought you’d have to leave the area to get a job as a filmmaker but, because of High Tide, I’m now doing that in my home town. It's just the best."

Year 11 students from Stockton

"Before I did the High Tide work experience programme I didn’t really know anything about job opportunities in Tees Valley. Now I know what I want to do and High Tide has helped me get there."

Year 11 student from Middlesbrough

"Because of High Tide I now know that I want to get an apprenticeship with a local company and be an Engineer."

Year 9 student from Middlesbrough

"I am grateful for my visit and experience; I now know my career aims and what I need to do to get there. Some of my best memories are because of High Tide and I would recommend it to all young people."

Year 9 student from Middlesbrough

"My experience has provided me with amazing opportunities and allowed me to meet very influential people who have helped me to gain confidence and skills that I can take with me for the rest of my life."

Year 10 student from Stockton

Access for all

Our programmes are open to schools and colleges across the Tees Valley, and delivered by businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Free of charge

It’s simple to get involved and easy to organise. Our initiatives are delivered completely free of charge to schools and colleges.

Fully Supported

For businesses, it’s straight-forward to support. We’ll plan and deliver sessions; all we need is your time, passion and commitment.

Our Corporate Partners

Casper Shipping
Jacksons Law Firm
PD Ports