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Talk to Frank for honest information on substance abuse

Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.

Substance Misuse

Drugs can be a hard subject to discuss, especially if you think you, your friend or relative has a problem. Try to stay open-minded and remember that with the right help and support, most people overcome their use before any serious harm is caused.

Frank offer honest guidance about drugs, including the risks, the effects on your body and how long it takes to work. There’s also information on emergency advice, treatment for addiction and signposting for support centres. As an example, here’s their advice on dealing with peer pressure.

Feeling pressured to take drugs? Here are 10 ways to deal with it

  1. Remember that you’re not alone. It’s easy to think you’re the only one who’s not tried drugs but, actually, most young people don’t take drugs.
  2. Work out where you stand on issues like sex, drugs and alcohol. Knowing your own mind makes it easier to stay true to yourself.
  3. Prepare yourself. Think about how you’d like to respond when someone offers you drugs so you know what to say.
  4. Try to understand who’s offering you the drugs and why. Friends should understand if you say no, people you don’t know you very well may expect something in return.
  5. Say no firmly but clearly and without making a big deal about it. If they try to persuade you, don’t feel like you have to change your mind.
  6. Remember that, although they may not show it, your mates will respect you more if you’re assertive and clear about what you do and don’t want to do.
  7. Take a look around. You’ll soon see that you’re not the only one worrying about what other people think of you. Try to focus on your own opinion of yourself – in the end, that’s all that matters.
  8. Worried about your mates being pressured? Don’t keep it to yourself, talk to them, or someone you trust.
  9. If you’re finding it hard to be yourself within your group, take a step back, and think about whether it’s time to find a new crowd to hang out with.
  10. Before trying anything new it makes sense to know what’s what. You can find out more about different drugs on the Drugs A to Z or call FRANK on 0300 123 6600 at any time, day or night.

Visit Talk to Frank for more. 

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