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If U Care Share – educating to change cultures

Ten years ago, If U Care Share Foundation was founded with the goal of saving lives, supporting communities, and preventing suicide. Over the past decade, they've supported thousands of people, provided training, talks, and awareness to tens of thousands more.

Emergency Support, Mental Health

The charity provides a range of services that are fundamental to their three main aims of prevention, intervention and supporting those bereaved by suicide. As well as reaching some of the the most vulnerable people in our society, they believe that educating future generations is key to changing cultures. That’s why they also offer workshops to primary and secondary as well as educational establishments to equip our young people.

Here’s their five things that may help if you’re struggling:

1: Connect – Spend time with others, whether that’s family, friends, colleagues or neighbours. Sometimes it can be difficult to connect with others – look around for volunteering opportunities and local events in your area.

2: Be Active – Often we think this means going for a run, or joining an exercise class, and for some that may be the case. Even just a short walk everyday or a cycle ride, taking time out of your day for some form of exercise will improve your mental health

3: Give – Giving your time and energy to help somebody can help. Why not volunteer at a local project, or take time to visit an elderly neighbour or relative. Our time is often a greater gift than money can be.

4:  Keep Learning – Take up a new hobby, start an evening class or join an online course. Learning new skills and gaining knowledge are proven to help your emotional health. Maybe even try something out of your comfort zone, who knows you may surprise yourself.

5: Take Notice – Life is often very busy and distracting so much so we don’t always remember to take notice. Look away from your screens look out of the window, look at the sky, watch how the milk swirls in your tea. Often these little things can alter how we see things and hopefully for the better.

Take a look at their full range of services and support, including their crisis messenger which provides free, anonymous and confidential text support accessible when you need it.

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