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Charlie Waller Student Hub

Since 1997, the Charlie Waller Trust has become one of the UK’s most respected mental health charities. They help young people to understand their own mental health, equip them to support themselves and those around them, and empower them to talk more openly about the subject. Their student hub provides insight, articles and tips to help you manage your mental health.

Mental Health, Stress / Anxiety, Wellbeing

From sleeping well and coping with emotions, to building mental health resilience and approaching coursework and exams, Charlie Waller’s student hub provides resources that will help you feel more positive and get the most out of life. Click the links below for further reading.

How to get a good night’s sleep

Advances in neuroscience means we are starting to understand the importance of sleep. Sleep isn’t a passive activity. During sleep our brains are working hard repairing and rebuilding. Lack of sleep compromises our immune system. This makes us more prone to developing physical and mental health problems. It also makes us more impulsive and less able to make good decisions. Read more.

Exam cancellation: how to cope with tough emotions

A second year running of cancelled exams feels impossible – yet it’s happening once again. There’s no right or wrong way to feel about it: this is not a normal situation for any of us. Thousands of students experienced this disruption and disappointment in 2020, and now thousands more face the uncertainty in 2021 as COVID-19’s impact continues to be felt. The pandemic has affected everyone in different ways. No two students will react to the cancellation in the same way. Read more.

New lockdown – looking after our mental health

There are signs that mental health issues may have risen in the population during 2020, particularly among young people.
With changing restrictions governing our lives, many people are concerned about the impact on mental health. So, what can help us during these uncertain times? Read more.

Take a look at the full range of student resources.


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